Question: 1 / 50

What action can increase the rate of climb when climbing at cruising speed?

applying rearward cyclic pressure to reduce airspeed

Applying rearward cyclic pressure to reduce airspeed is a valid technique to increase the rate of climb while climbing at cruising speed. When a rotorcraft is climbing at a higher airspeed, the angle of attack (AOA) of the rotor blades may not be optimal for gaining altitude efficiently. By reducing the airspeed through rearward cyclic input, the rotor blades can achieve a higher AOA, thus producing more lift. This adjustment allows the helicopter to maximize its climbing performance by finding a balance between airspeed and lift generation. In contrast, increasing the throttle can provide more power, but it might not directly correlate with a higher rate of climb unless paired with proper AOA management. Similarly, applying forward cyclic pressure would increase airspeed, which could lead to a decrease in AOA and, consequently, a reduced lift and climb rate. Lastly, decreasing collective to lower AOA can lead to reduced lift as well, thereby hindering the climb instead of enhancing it.

increasing the throttle to increase power

applying forward cyclic pressure to increase airspeed

decreasing collective to lower AOA


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